On Peace & Love 1969 / 40 Years Ago Today
“You say you want a revolution you’d better free your mind instead!” - John Lennon ‘Revolution’
The 'Man Of Peace Gift Bag' includes a specially designed vinyl shoulder bag. The deluxe signed and numbered limited edition 5 CD interview audio book boxset “John Lennon / Man Of Peace: The Lost Interviews 1969 : A 350 page trade paperback edition of Geoffrey & Avalon Giuliano’s latest work. An exclusive 30 page illustrated color booklet. A previously unpublished museum quality 8 X 10 photographic print of Lennon from 1969 signed & numbered by the authors. Plus a beautiful button & bumper sticker.
In this previously unreleased six plus hour five CD collection of John Lennon’s unique wit and wisdom the iconic Beatle introduces the world to his stirring non-violent philosophy to not only end, the then, raging Vietnam war, but also the deeply rooted violence within ourselves, a timely message especially important today in this world of seemingly endless international terror and conflict. Professionally recorded in Britain, Austria, Canada and Holland in 1969 the interviews are the complete record of Lennon’s turbulent ‘Give Peace A Chance’ days interspersed with relevant historical comments and reflections by celebrated Beatles author & historian Geoffrey Giuliano. Only recently discovered, these original, previously unreleased tapes of John Lennon (recorded exactly forty years ago) ring as true today in our almost hopelessly war torn world as they did during the now iconic ‘summer of love / days of rage’ era in which they were recorded. Here is history in your hands – as touching and funny as it is moving and overwhelming in its elegant philosophical simplicity. A powerful audio manifesto for the ages and a light for successive generations in this increasingly dark world. This is John Lennon / Man Of Peace!
It doesn't help murderers to hang them, it doesn't help violent people to be violent to them. Violence begets violence. You can't kill off all the violent people or all the murderers or you'd have to kill off the government.
We're all God, I'm not A god or THE god, but we're all God and we're all potentially divine and potentially evil. We all have everything within us, there is a power we can all tap. God is a power and we're all light bulbs that can tap the electricity - you can use electricity to kill people or to light the room. God is that.
I don't need to go to church, people who need a church should go. Others feel the church is in their head. They should visit that temple because that's where the source is.
Meditation I still believe in and occasionally use it... I don't regret drugs because they helped me - I don't advocate them because I don't think I should, but for me it was good.
I’m full of optimism because of the contacts I’ve made throughout the world, knowing there’s other people I can agree with. I’m not insane and I’m not alone. That’s on a personal level. And of course Woodstock, the Isle of Wight [music festivals] all the mass meetings of the youth is completely positive for me, we’re all showing our flags. And when you show your flag you’re not alone.
There’s no need to be a few Christian martyrs because there’s lots of us. Don’t be afraid because they do look after you, whoever’s up there, if you get on with it. This is only the beginning - this '60s bit was just a sniff, the '60s were just waking up in the morning and we haven’t even got to dinner time yet and I can’t wait. I’m so glad to be around and it’s going to be great and there’s going to be more and more of us, and whatever you’re thinking there Mrs Grundy of South Birmingham on toast, you don’t stand a chance, (A) You’re not going to be there when we’re running it and (B) you’re gonna like it when you get less frightened of it. Whoever they are, don’t stand a chance because they can’t beat love, because all those old bits from religion about love being all powerful is true, and that’s the bit they can’t do, they can’t handle it.
We’re just saying SELL PEACE, anybody interested in peace just stick it in the window. It’s simple but it lets somebody else know that you want peace too, because you feel alone if you’re the only one thinking ‘wouldn’t it be nice if there was peace and nobody was getting killed', so advertise you’re for peace if you believe in it.
What’s Bagism? It’s like...a tag for what we all do. We’re all in a bag and we realized that we came from two bags, I was in this pop bag going round and round in my little clique, and she was in her little avant-garde clique going round and round. We all come out and look at each other every now and then, but we don’t communicate. We all intellectualize about how there is no barrier between art, music, poetry... I’m a rock and roller, he’s a poet... so we just came up with the word so you would ask us what bagism is, and we’d say WE’RE ALL IN A BAG BABY! Well we got out of one bag and into the next, you just keep moving from bag to bag. If people did interviews for jobs in a bag they wouldn’t get turned away because they were black or green or had long hair, it’s total communication... Well no, if that was specified that when you interviewed the people you wanted to employ, and you had this prejudice, and the people had to wear a bag - then you'd only judge them on what they communicated to you, and You wouldn't have to think, 'Oh he's wearing black suede is he, I don't like it'.
We want set up a worldwide vote: War or Peace, which do you want? When all these politicians are galloping around with "84% want hanging" and "200% don't like blacks" and that bit, well we'll have "35 million say No War!", just a positive move and somewhere where the youth can send their vibe.”..
"The establishment irritates you to make you fight because once they've got you violent they know how to handle you. The only thing they don't know how to handle is non-violence and humor.... Change people first, even if it's to tell people that YOU are the government and take no notice of the government, sit down ok, don't do anything, with your help it'll work, with everybody's help it'll work, all we've got to do is turn people on to the fact they THEY ARE the government NOW and they have the power NOW.
People ask us why we are doing this peace kick. What else? We got the fame and the money and the things that we were supposed to do, and what else is there? We're going to spend the rest of our life doing what? Eating and what? There's nothing else to do. There's two alternatives, war or peace.
We are diet fanatics and continually talk about, "Read the packet before you eat it", on that level, apart from polluting the air, and we know -- I saw some guy on T.V. here who's invented a detergent that doesn't do whatever detergents do, and how he took it 'round to all the Big Three who were all frightened of each other, just like countries, and didn't do anything in case the other did something, and so this guy's going to do it on his own, you know, and the only way to get the Big Three interested is to make it commercial for them, like I was saying about the pot, you know. Let them have what they want, you know, if that's what they want, but we mustn't be poisoned. It's insanity. We are always talking to people to just read the packet, all that colouring, chemical additive, we think is bad for you. We try not to eat any of it. It's pretty hard, but we try not to eat any of it and we are always talking about that, of course, to people, and another myth about there not being enough food. There's another myth that must be shattered, because there is enough food and enough -- then the other one -- you say "Well, there might be enough food, but there's no transport". I mean, it's a joke. There is enough food. There's enough food in each city to feed each city in the West. There should be nobody starving in Montreal or Toronto for any reason on earth, or in London, and we can certainly feed India. Instead of handing a few -- the Indian Mafia two million pounds and to give them two handfuls of rice and keep it all, and all the rest of the (inaudible) and the jazz that goes on with all the international charities.
"The gift is a grace", but it's like a precious plant, you can't sit on it and you must protect it, nurture it and feed it, like an animal; otherwise it changes into something else, and another thing that society does to the married couple, that institution which people are, afraid of dying, is split them straight away. The man-woman joke about the woman make the bread and the man go and hunt the animals. There's no need any more of splitting the family. The family can be resurrected, and marriage, if society was built around a family and not built 'round - if two people are married the man has to go to this place. I know this is a hard thing. This is way ahead, but the fact that they split you as soon as you are together, no marriage stands a chance against those odds of all the goodies around, all the other sexual attractions around, all the people with nothing better to do, and that's, I think, what happened to marriage or "love", or whatever we call it. The family is the greatest thing. We saw this documentary in England of a woman native of a tribe in Africa before the Christians got them, and the tribe - pretty peaceful people, non-aggressive. They fight when attacked. They hunt just enough, et cetera et cetera, but one amazing thing was that all the children don't fight, and don't get into trouble Tommy. All the kids followed the parents like ducks and their babies, and the secret was that the mother didn't let go of the child until the child wanted to. Now, this sounds crazy in this situation that we are in today, but the fact that the mother held on to the child until the child itself wanted to explore -- they invented something and she carried it like an Indian. All these kids and -- there was not -- the mother was busy doing her job, and the kids were just playing there and maybe they only showed the good part of the film, but there was something in the fact that the child wasn't brought out of that security and thrown into a little plastic box half a mile down the road. Surely we can invent something that makes room if the mother can't possibly be with it all the time. Surely we can invent an environment for a baby that gives that basic security.
I think LSD should be looked into and decided what can be done with it. The establishment got so frightened of it, and with these cases of people jumping out of the window, they just pretend it doesn't exist, or try and hide it. There's no way of controlling it, unless they do find out what it's about, it's going to go on and on and I personally would never condemn it from my own experience, but I condemn the free use of it. I think it could possibly be made available under supervision. I've met people who have been supervised on LSD in a plastic white room with a doctor looking like some spaceman. The hallucinations are all of their own making. If you stick a person in a room and frighten him, he will come out of that experience frightened for maybe the rest of his life, or for at least a few months. If you put a man in a room and are kind to him, he will come out with that experience, and I don't know about LSD. I don't think it should be made available. It should be found out about. I think there's great possibilities for all of us, especially for sick people, sick in the mind, and paranoid people and schizophrenia but I don't really know enough about it, only from my own experiences, but I have been both ways on trips, and the effect does last and it's profound, and it is forever. There's no going back once you have it. The only way you get off a bad trip is to dive in the water again and learn how to swim , but some people can't and they are the ones that are lost until somebody would change them. I can only imagine a situation where, sort of -- I don't know, specialists -- if there are no side effects I don't know what the propaganda is. I don't accept it because I don't know that they've really found out much about it. I think it probably does burn your head off, because -- I stopped using it because it did burn my head off, and, of course, now there's bad drugs going 'round. You can't even trust the drugs that come because people are selling acid that has got God knows what in it. The only thing I have to say about marijuana -- I can't imagine people going out for a joint in the afternoon any more than I can imagine people drinking in the afternoon. I think it's equally bad, and driving and all the other things, the restrictions on drinks, that's the danger, but the one thing can be said about marijuana is it's non-violent, and if any Government wanted to use it to calm the people, they have got the ultimate weapon, and there wouldn't be any Saturday night crowds and any Saturday night football fights, because that's what it does to people. They either withdraw because they're too -- it can make you paranoiac all right, and you withdraw, but you certainly don't have any aggression. I think LSD promoted the non-violent movement, including LSD, but marijuana was the main thing that promoted non-violence amongst the youth, because as soon as they have it, they -- first of all you have to laugh on your first experiences. There's nothing else you do but laugh, and then, when you've got over that and you realize that people aren't laughing at you, but with you, it's a community thing, and nothing would ever stop it, nothing on earth is going to stop it, and the only thing to do is to find out how to use it for good, or for the best. That would never happen. That's never happened before I because there hasn't been people smoking marijuana before in that vast (inaudible). There's never been crowds like that for anything else but violence or war, even if it's a football match.
We have to talk to China. You can't have the paranoiac person like China in your midst carrying a gun and just try and block him off. Especially when he's so big, and it's only our fear that makes him more fearful. He's only -- if you could think of China as one person -- he's only a completely paranoid guy that's had a tough time from his neighbours for a few years. He is the left-wing revolutionary with a gun. He is the guy that's going on dropping bombs in the street and all we ever do is say, "You make one move and we'll really whip you boy. We'll really whip you", and that's all they ever get, and we have to start talking to each other. And I think -- if it's the West that starts talking first, if our kids are the ones that get turned on and we grow up to be the Establishment, which we nearly are -- we're all in our thirties, the early people are nearly the Establishment already, so if you lot don't do it and the bomb doesn't come, because if the bomb comes, well, that's it anyway -- nobody's worried about the bomb any more -- so, if you don't hurry up, well, we'll do it, and if it's the West that says, "Come on now, come on", and trips China out or whatever it is, you must extend a hand to a -- to a mental patient. We mustn't treat them like we're still treating our mental patients, locking them up and torturing them and letting any soft Mick (?) attend them and beat them up and take out aggression, and the world will only change when we talk to each other, and straight. All that jazz about what sized table. And we honestly think a place like Canada looks like the only hope, because the only hope or help we've had is from Canada. The only real help we've had, and the only people like you that we've ever been approached by or the only people we've heard of that are doing anything like this, is going on in Canada, and Canada is America without being American, without that mighty -- we are the mighty whatever scene and the only hope is for a country like Canada that has the wealth and all the cars and all the whatever it is that we all seem to think we want, and to show -- lead. This is the opportunity for Canada to lead the world - This is it, and the youth are -- just in youth talk it's like -- when you mention Canada it isn't like "What! Australia!". That image is changing. You sell a country on image, like the Greeks, desperate to have an image, you know, and -- image is how we sell our cigarettes and Coca-Cola, and Canada's image is just about getting groovy, you know.
So, if people have -- let Canada be the hope. Don't take instructions from Britain. Let Canada lead.
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